
7月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

Girls Like You, Maroon 5

ジャスティンビーバーの歌声と同じくらい好きな歌声がマルーン5のボーカルAdamの声😍 この二人は何を歌っても聞き惚れてしまう。。。 2017年のナンバーから Girls Like You  君みたいな子 Spent 24 hours, I need more hours with you You spent the weekend getting even, ooh We spent the late nights making things right between us 24時間一緒に過ごしたけど、もっと君との時間が必要だよ 君は週末も僕と一緒に過ごしてくれた 二人の仲が深まるように遅くまで一緒にいたんだ But now it’s all good, babe Roll that backwood, babe And play me close でももう大丈夫 一服して、そしたらこっちにおいでよ ‘Cause girls like you run ’round with guys like me Till sundown when I come through I need a girl like you, yeah yeah Girls like you love fun, and yeah, me too What I want when I come through I need a girl like you, yeah yeah 君みたいな子は僕みたいな男と過ごすんだよ 日が落ちるまで一日やり遂げた僕には 君みたいな子が必要なんだ 楽しいことが大好きでしょ?僕もだよ 一日の終わりは君みたいな子と一緒にいたいんだ Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah I need a girl like you, yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah I need a girl like you 君みたいな子が必要なんだ I spent last night on the last flight to you Took a whole day up tryna get way up, ooh We spent the daylight tryna make things right between ...

Deep India

  Deep India ディープなインド <この回で学ぶ文法、フレーズ> I'd say it is Because of It is getting/becoming... the second …est I can see ○○ …ing some kind of/some sort of/something like you've gotta you'd better you would have to I guess you need to I know/I heard/○○said 関係代名詞 主格 目的格 when to, where to, what to, how to Once ... Have you been to India? Are you interested in going there? Why?/Why not? 参照:https://sekai-ju.com/life/ind/life/india-yoga/ 1, インドと聞いて何を思い浮かべますか? What comes into your mind when you hear "India"? ポイント: ① I think of ○○ when I ~. I think of ○○ whenever I ~. 接続詞"when"や"whenever"を使って 「~の時、○○だ」「~の時は毎回○○だ」と表現する 例文 I think of fried chicken when I hear "KFC". ケンタッキーと聞いたら、フライドチキンを思い浮かべます Whenever I eat green curry, I sweat a lot. グリーンカレーを食べるたびにものすごく汗をかきます 応用 wherever どこでも whatever 何でも whichever どちらでも however どんな方法でも ② I’d say it is…  仮定の表現 "I would say" を使って 「私だったら~、個人的には~」と控えめに表現する 例文 I'd say it's not a good idea to drink tap...

Practical English Episode A-9 ねえねえ、あのね

ねえねえ、あのね 相手の注意を引きたいときや、新しい話題を持ち出したいとき、よくこんな表現が使われます。今からいいこと教えてあげるからよく聞いててね!と前置きするようなイメージです。 (1)Guess what? 会話の中で新しい話題を切り出したいときや、相手の注意を引きたいときよく使うのがこの"Guess what?"という表現です 直訳すると「なーんだ?」と言ってる感じです。クイズに答えてもらいたいときなんかにも言います A: Guess what? B: What? A: I got a new job. B: Wow. Cool. Congrats! C: Hey, what happened? You seem so excited. D: Guess what? C: I don't know...why don't you tell me. D: You are not gonna believe this. C: What? Just tell me. (2)You know what? 他には"You know what?"という表現 「あなたは知ってる?何か」=「ねえねえ、聞いてよ」「いいこと教えてあげる」のような感じです A: You know what? B: What? Don't tell me you failed the exam again. A: What are you talking about? I always pass the exam. B: No, you don't. Then what? What did you want to tell me? A: I am going to live abroad. B: I don't think so. You wish. C: I don't feel like going to school tomorrow. D: Why? What's the problem. C: I got into trouble by Mrs. Fowler because I didn't hand in my assignment. D: You know what? We co...

Practical English Episode A-8 飽きる、うんざりする

もううんざり! うんざり!もう嫌!飽きちゃった!と言いたいとき、どんな表現ができるでしょうか? (1) be sick and tired of/get sick and tired of うんざりする、嫌になる I’m sick of crowded trains. I got sick of these cup noodles. People are getting sick of staying home. A: Hey, Mr. Fowler wants you in his office. B: Oh, got. Again. A: What's wrong? B: He's been giving me lectures almost everyday      and I'm getting sick and tired of them.      He just keeps on saying the same thing. Why me? A: You know what? It's because he sees something in you. B: Are you sure? A: Yeah, trust me. He wouldn't talk to you if he doesn't like you. (2) be/get fed up with うんざりする、飽き飽きする I am fed up with her story. Are you fed up with your work? He is getting fed up with the dela y. A: Did you hear about Jack's new girl friend? B: Yeah I did...I mean I am already fed up with that story.      Everyone has been talking about it all the time. What's the deal? A: Don't you know that the girl appears on some fashion magazines? B:...

10,000 hours: Dan+Shay and Justin Bieber

10,000 hours: Dan+Shay and Justin Bieber 大好きな曲を和訳💛 2019年10月4日、JustinとHaileyの結婚式の数日後にリリースされました Do you love the rain, does it make you dance When you're drunk with your friends at a party? What's your favorite song, does it make you smile? 君は雨が好き?友達と行ったパーティーで酔っ払ったら踊ったりするの? どんな曲が好き?その曲で笑顔になるの? Do you think of me? When you close your eyes, tell me, what are you dreamin'? Everything, I wanna know it all 瞳を閉じたその時、君は一体何を夢見ているの?教えてよ。 君のことが全部知りたいんだ *think of~: ~のことについて思う I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try If it's ten thousand hours or the rest of my life I'm gonna love you (ooh, ooh ooh, ooh, ooh) もし君の心を知るのに1万時間、いや2万時間かかるというのなら それだけの時間をかけるよ たどり着くことはできないのかもしれないけど 1万時間だって、残りの人生全部使ってだってやるつもりだよ 僕は君を愛し続ける *it takes...to learn: 学ぶのに...かかる *the rest of : ~の残り Do you miss the road that you grew up on? Did you get your middle name from your grandm...

Practical English: Episode 8 関係副詞 (what, where, when, why, how)

  Practical English: Episode 8 実践英語⑧ 関係副詞 (what, where, when, why, how) (1) what ~もの、~こと 例 I know what you are trying to say. 私はあなたが言おうとしていることわかるよ Jack heard what we were talking about. ジャックは私たちが話していたことを聞いた 関係代名詞のwhichやthatは名詞の直後に置くというルールがありましたが whatの場合は特定の名詞がなく、単純に「~のこと」というときに 用いられます whatを使って表現されることやものは、名詞を補うとwhichやthatでも言うことができます what I ate this morning 今朝私が食べたもの (=the food that I ate this morning 今朝私が食べた食べ物) what the article says その記事が伝えていること (=the fact which the article says その記事が伝えている事実) Dialogue A: I don't get what you are saying. B: Come on. Of course you do. You are my brother.     Tell me what you don't understand. A: I mean I have no idea what you are talking about. B: Ok then. This is what we're gonna do. A: What? B: I'm gonna write down what I have in my mind, then you can go over them. A: All right. Whatever you like. Meanwhile I'm gonna grab a drink at the cafe.      Do you want one? B: Yeah, Get me  what you think is the best there...

So spoiled!

So spoiled! I went to I-san’s place for the lesson today and Look what I got! I-san made "Star-festival jelly" for us. It was pretty and delicious. Some very fresh home grown vegetables are from M-san. She has been spending a lot of time and putting best efforts  so that her vegetables grow OK. And beautiful flower arrangement from U-san. She loves flowers and I want to make sure that some mints and flowers  that I previously got from her stay fine over this summer! I am so spoiled.  I feel that I take more than what I give. Thank you very much everyone.   Expressions *Look what I got.:見て!いいものもらっちゃった! *○○'s place: ○○の家  誰々の家というときは○○'s house よりも圧倒的にplaceがよく使われます  私んちは my place 君んちは your place 彼の家は his placeです * spend time on: ~に時間を費やす * put efforts: 努力する * previously: 以前に * give and take: ギブアンドテイク  日本語で使われる通りお互いに利益のある状態 * be spoiled: 甘やかされている、台無しにされる、ダメにされる、損なわれる  主語には人物が来ることがおおいです 今日の文章の中では「(みなさんに)甘えっぱなしです」という意味を込めて使いまし  た I'm gonna spoil mys...

Yesterday once more

 Yesterday once more こちらも「青春の輝き」に続き、生徒さんからのリクエストです とてもシンプルな歌詞なのだなと改めて感じました When I was young I'd listen to the radio Waitin' for my favorite songs When they played I'd sing along, it made me smile 若かったころラジオを聞いてたの お気に入りの曲がかかるのを待ちながら 曲がかかると私は歌い、笑顔になるの * When ~の時:接続詞 * I'd = I would * make me ~ (私を~にさせる:使役動詞) Those were such happy times and not so long ago How I wondered where they'd gone But they're back again just like a long lost friend All the songs I loved so well あの頃は幸せだった そんなに遠い昔のことでもないのに、あの曲たちはどこへ行ってしまったの? でも古い友達みたいに、また私の所へ戻ってきたわ 私の大好きな曲たち * such ~ とても~な (such a --, such---s とsuchの後ろには名詞が来ます) * they'd gone = they had gone 過去完了形 * just like ~ まるで~のよう、ちょうど~みたいに * All the songs that I ... : 関係代名詞 Every sha-la-la-la Every wo-o-wo-o, still shines Every shing-a-ling-a-ling, that they're startin' to sing's, so fine あの頃のメロディーはどれもまだ輝いていて どの曲もまた歌いだそうとしているかのように素晴らしいの When they get to the part Where he's breakin' her heart It can rea...