Practical English Episode A-9 ねえねえ、あのね
(1)Guess what?
会話の中で新しい話題を切り出したいときや、相手の注意を引きたいときよく使うのがこの"Guess what?"という表現です
A: Guess what?
B: What?
A: I got a new job.
B: Wow. Cool. Congrats!
C: Hey, what happened? You seem so excited.
D: Guess what?
C: I don't know...why don't you tell me.
D: You are not gonna believe this.
C: What? Just tell me.
(2)You know what?
他には"You know what?"という表現
A: You know what?
B: What? Don't tell me you failed the exam again.
A: What are you talking about? I always pass the exam.
B: No, you don't. Then what? What did you want to tell me?
A: I am going to live abroad.
B: I don't think so. You wish.
C: I don't feel like going to school tomorrow.
D: Why? What's the problem.
C: I got into trouble by Mrs. Fowler because I didn't hand in my assignment.
D: You know what? We could just skip her class and spend a day at the beach.
C: Are you sure?
D: Yeah. Why not?
(3)Hey, listen. Look.
"Hey, listen!"なども相手の注意を引くときに使えるます
どちらかと言うと"Guess what?" や "You know what?"に比べて少し命令的な口調になるので相手との関係や自分の立場、状況を考えて使いましょう
A: Hi, Jake. What’s up? You look serious.
B: Hey, listen. My father got arrested.
A: What? I don't get it? How?
B: I'll tell you only if you can keep it to yourself.
A: Of course I will.
C: How come you never let me use your car, Dad?
D: Coz you just got your driver's license last week. There is no way you could drive my car.
C: Hey listen Dad. My friends are hanging out at the shopping mall this afternoon and I want to go there too. I need a car.
D: Take a bus.
C: Dad, you don't understand. I want to drive there.
実践!! 「ねえ、聞いてよ!」と話しかけてみましょう
ここで紹介している表現はカジュアルな口語的表現です。ビジネスの場では「May I have your attention please?」や「I would like to draw your attention to...」のような表現を使いましょう!