So spoiled!
So spoiled!
I went to I-san’s place for the lesson today and Look what I got!
I-san made "Star-festival jelly" for us.
It was pretty and delicious.
Some very fresh home grown vegetables are from M-san.
She has been spending a lot of time and putting best efforts
so that her vegetables grow OK.
And beautiful flower arrangement from U-san.
She loves flowers and I want to make sure that some mints and flowers
that I previously got from her stay fine over this summer!
I am so spoiled.
I feel that I take more than what I give.
Thank you very much everyone.
*Look what I got.:見て!いいものもらっちゃった!
*○○'s place: ○○の家
誰々の家というときは○○'s house よりも圧倒的にplaceがよく使われます
私んちは my place 君んちは your place 彼の家は his placeです
* spend time on: ~に時間を費やす
* put efforts: 努力する
* previously: 以前に
* give and take: ギブアンドテイク
* be spoiled: 甘やかされている、台無しにされる、ダメにされる、損なわれる
今日の文章の中では「(みなさんに)甘えっぱなしです」という意味を込めて使いまし た
I'm gonna spoil myself. のように使うこともでき、自分自身を甘やかす=自分にご褒 美を与えるということになります
またBe spoiled! といえば、思う存分楽しんで、贅沢してという意味になります