
6月, 2023の投稿を表示しています

About FOOD

FOOD🍴 This time, let me share some of my experiences during my trip related to food with you. 今回は旅行中の食をテーマにシェアさせてもらいます。 Before I went to Switzerland, I always associated the country with chocolates, cheese, mountains and of course Heidi! That was all I could think of. What about you? スイスに行く前、スイスと言えばチョコ、チーズ、山、ハイジ。他に思いつくことがなかったんですが皆さんはどうですか? And it turned out that I was totally right. Maybe I should also add milk, yogurt and spring water. 実際そのイメージ間違っていませんでしたwww あと、牛乳、ヨーグルト、アルプスの天然水をプラスすれば完璧。 The first Swiss cousin experience was Rositi, which is one of the traditional Swiss dish. Rositi is shredded potatoes cooked in a pan looking like a kind of pancake. I had it for lunch at a cafe in Bern, it was  cooked so crunchy and came with a lot of cheese on top. It also had spinach and fried egg. It was nice and cheesy. I am not a big fan of cheese but was able to enjoy the dish very much and I strongly recommend you to try it if you have a chance. 最初に食べたスイス料理はロシティと呼ばれる伝統料理で、細切りしたジャガイモをフライパ...

動画レッスン:Mark Zuckerberg Accepts Elon Musk’s Cage Fight Challenge!

Mark Zuckerberg Accepts Elon Musk ’ s Cage Fight Challenge ! 動画レッスン:マークザッカーバーグとイーロンマスクがケージファイト?   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aoJu7FkTyE   It’s a battle between the tech giants. Twitter owner Elon Musk and and Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg could be headed to the Octagon. Here is everything we know in response to an article detailing Meta’s plan to release a Twitter rival called Threads on June 20 th . Elon tweeted “I’m sure Earth can’t wait to be exclusively under Suck’s thumb with no other options.” Meta is the parent company of both Facebook and Instagram. This prompted one user to warn “Better be careful Elon Musk. I heard he does Jiu Jitsu now”. Striking back 51-year-old then replied “I’m up for a cage match if he is”. Well, he is! As shared on Instagram last month, Mark, a Jiu Jitsu enthusiast, recently earned medals in his first competitions and it looks like he is ready for his next match. Taking to his Instagram stories on June 21 st , the 39-year-old res...

A hard lesson or just a reminder Part 2

  A hard lesson or just a reminder?  洗礼?それともただのリマインダー? Part 2 2. Machine or human error? 機械のせいか人のせいか The second event which definitely entertained me was at Abu Dhabi Bus Terminal. Mr. Bus ticket vending machine!! I was there to get on a bus to Louvre museum.  I could just catch a taxi but I rather chose to hop on a bus so that I could take a glance of local life. Indeed, looking at people and shops from the bus and talking to a local woman on the bus was fun. I was able to save a lot of money even though it takes some extra travelling time. And the vibe at the bus terminal where tourists wouldn’t usually visit gave me an opportunity to take a glance at local life. I loved being there, watching people and talking to them. 私を楽しませてくれた2つ目の出来事は、アブダビのバスターミナルでのこと。バスチケットの自動券売機さん。ルーブル美術館に行くバスに乗るためにバスターミナルに来ていました。タクシーを捕まえることもできましたが、現地の生活を垣間見るチャンスだと思いあえてローカルバスを選びました。実際に車窓からお店や人を見るのは楽しかったし、隣に座った人と話もできて楽しかったです。時間はかかりますが、節約にもなりました。 そして何よりもバスターミナル自体が観光客何て来ないような場所らしく、雰囲気がThe Local!現地の人た...

A hard lesson or just a reminder? Part 1

A hard lesson or just a reminder?  洗礼?それともただのリマインダー? Part 1 Travelling to unfamiliar places means full of excitement to me. This time it was in Abu Dhabi where I had a layover. Since I was flying with Etihad Airways, I decided to take advantage of Abu Dhabi Stopover campaign which offers 2 nights free stay at a 4 star hotel in the city😋 I didn't get to choose a hotel but it was Aloft which belongs to Marriot group. I was so excited to explore the city especially three iconic spots including Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Louvre Abu Dhabi and Emirates Palace. 私にとって知らない場所に出かけることはワクワクの連続。今回ワクワクさせてくれたのは乗り継ぎで訪れたアブダビでした。エティハド航空のキャンペーンを利用してアブダビの4つ星ホテル宿泊2泊を無料でゲットしたのでした。ホテルは選べませんが、マリオット系列のAloftでした。 特に有名どころ3か所、シェイクザイード・グランドモスク、ルーブル美術館、エミレーツパレスを楽しみにしていました。 Aloft Abu Dhabi は空港から20分くらいの場所でした なかなか個性的なデザイン 個人的にはこういう斬新さ好き! Anyways, let me share some of lessons learned or rather reminders which I came across visiting those places instead of just simply talk about my experiences. Those were actually no...

Getting around 2: Trains in Europe

Trains in Europe ヨーロッパの電車事情 From Zurich airport to Bern, From Bern to the local village where I stayed, From Bern to Milano Italy, From Bern to Zermatt (the base town of Matterhorn) I took trains and I've realized how expensive they are. I mean everything is extremely expensive in Switzerland so train fare is nothing exceptional but still... チューリッヒからベルン、ベルンから今回滞在した郊外まで、ベルンからイタリアのミラノまで、ベルンからマッターホルンの麓の街であるツェルマットまで、いろんな電車に乗りましたが総じて電車は高いと感じました。スイスの物価自体が異常に高いので電車も特別ではないのかもしれないですが。。。 For example, Zurich airport to Bern costed me almost 9,000 JPY. The time it took was only 50 minutes. I found it quite expensive but what do you think? On the other hand, the ticket my friend booked for me in advance only costed 6,000 JPY. In Europe the earlier you book train tickets, the less you pay. So if you know your schedule, you should always book tickets to save money. And I should also note that those tickets can be sold out soon so you'd better be quick! 例えばチューリッヒ空港からベルン駅までは約9000円かかりました。乗車時間は約5...

Getting around 1: Taxi or Uber?

Taxi or Uber タクシー?それとも配車アプリ? What kind of transportation do you prefer? In my case, I have no choice and drive everyday to get around in my town in Japan. During my trip this time, I got to use different means of transportation, airplane, bus, train, Uber, taxi, metro and car. 交通手段としてあなたは何を選びますか?私の住んでいるところでは車が必須です。 今回の旅行では飛行機、バス、電車、ウーバー、タクシー、地下鉄、自動車といろんな交通手段を使う機会がありました。 The best public transportation 最高の公共交通機関 When it comes to public transportation, no one can beat Japan. Japan has a reputation of clean, advanced and highly punctual public transportation and I had no problem getting to and from the airport. Especially I was impressed with "mobile Suica" which allowed me to take the local bus in Shizuoka, Shinkansen as well as Narita express. (This is probably nothing new to most people but you know I live in countryside so it was a whole new experience to me!)  I also recommend "Ekinet" app if you are travelling by Shinkansen or other express railway services as you...