About FOOD
FOOD🍴 This time, let me share some of my experiences during my trip related to food with you. 今回は旅行中の食をテーマにシェアさせてもらいます。 Before I went to Switzerland, I always associated the country with chocolates, cheese, mountains and of course Heidi! That was all I could think of. What about you? スイスに行く前、スイスと言えばチョコ、チーズ、山、ハイジ。他に思いつくことがなかったんですが皆さんはどうですか? And it turned out that I was totally right. Maybe I should also add milk, yogurt and spring water. 実際そのイメージ間違っていませんでしたwww あと、牛乳、ヨーグルト、アルプスの天然水をプラスすれば完璧。 The first Swiss cousin experience was Rositi, which is one of the traditional Swiss dish. Rositi is shredded potatoes cooked in a pan looking like a kind of pancake. I had it for lunch at a cafe in Bern, it was cooked so crunchy and came with a lot of cheese on top. It also had spinach and fried egg. It was nice and cheesy. I am not a big fan of cheese but was able to enjoy the dish very much and I strongly recommend you to try it if you have a chance. 最初に食べたスイス料理はロシティと呼ばれる伝統料理で、細切りしたジャガイモをフライパ...