Beautiful love by Justin Bieber 歌詞・文法解説付き
Beautiful love by Justin Bieber 歌詞・文法解説付き Wow, Justin has released a new song!!! I didn't realize it was out until a few days ago and I love the song. It is really beautiful. Seems like the song was written for a video game called Free fire. Does anybody know the game? I have no idea though. Anyway, you gotta listen to it! Today I decided to give some grammatical explanation on the lyrics. They are so simple and easy to understand compared to his other songs. I hope you enjoy it. ジャスティンビーバーが新曲出してた!数日前まで知らなかったけどきれいなとってもいい曲。Free Fireというゲームご存じですか?そのテーマソングみたいですね。私はゲームまったく疎いのでわかりませんが。とにかく ぜひ聞いて! 今回は文法解説を付けてみました。いつもの曲に比べてシンプルでわかりやすいリリックなのでみなさんにも楽しんでもらえると嬉しいです。 More than often We don't take advantage of the beauty all around us Oh more than often We take each other's time for granted because we're always around us, oh yeah 僕らはこの美しい世界に感謝をすることがあるだろうか 僕らが一緒に過ごせることを当たり前と思ってる そこにあるのが当たり前すぎて * more than often 普段よりももっと=いつも * take advantag...