Dragon Night と中学校の英語教育について思ったこと

Dragon Night と中学校の英語教育について思ったこと


Do you know a song called Dragon Night by SEKAINO OWARI?
セカイノオワリのDragon Nightという曲をご存じですか?

Each month, the students practice a chant at the beginning of lesson but sometimes I just pick up a song and let them sing.

Since the beginning of May, we have been singing "Dragon Night." I am not a fan of SEKAINO OWARI, in fact I don't know any of their songs except this one, but I thought this would be a good one to give them an opportunity to think about what has been going on between Russia and Ukraine and give some incentive for the kids to get familiar with English songs as some of them might have listened to the song in Japanese.
5月の頭からこのDragon Nightを練習中です。セカイノオワリの曲、実は私自身この1曲以外知らないのですが子供たちにウクライナでの戦争のことを考えるきっかけを与える意味でも、聞き馴染みがある日本語が原曲であるこの曲から洋楽に親しむをいう意味でもいいかなと思い選びました。

They really enjoy singing the song and I can see that they're so eager to pick up the song. Originally I used the song for junior high students for their listening training but I'm glad to see younger kids having fun😄

By the way, my junior high students had the very first term-end exam at school this week. They've been coming to my lessons since they were the first graders of elementary school. They basically come here to practice their conversation and are really good at communicating in English but when it comes to grammar it is quite new to them I guess.

But yet, it seems to be easier for them to understand grammar as they have spoken English for six years and they go "Wow, I got it. That's the trick!"

One thing I really hope is to change how they teach English at junior high school. I actually worked on some sample test questions with them but some of them are totally waste of time and efforts😭So disappointed.

It has been such a long time since I graduated from junior high but I can't believe they are still doing the same as before.



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