動画レッスン:US lawmakers grill TikTok CEO

US lawmakers grill Tik Tok CEO

動画レッスン:Tik Tok CEO 対 米国議会


Mr. Chu, you are here because the American people need the truth about the threat Tik Tok poses our national and personal security. Tik Tok collects nearly every data point imaginable from people's location to what they type and copy, who they talk to, biometric data and more. Even if you've never been on Tik Tok, your trackers are embedded in sites across the web.

Tik Tok surveils us all and Chinese communist party is able to use this as a tool to manipulate America as a whole. We do not trust Tik Tok will ever embrace American values; Values for freedom, human rights and innovation.

Tik Tok has repeatedly chosen the path for more control, more surveillance and more manipulation. Your platform should be banned. 
Can you say that with 100 percent certainty that ByteDance and the CCP cannot use your company or its divisions to heed content to promote pro-CCP messages for an act of aggression against Taiwan.

We do not promote or remove content at the request of the Chinese government.

The question is, the question is, are you 100 percent certain that they cannot use your company to promote such messages?

It is our commitment and all our users that we will keep from any manipulation by any government.

If you can't say 100 percent certain, I take that as a no. As I previously referenced Tik Tok spied on American journalists, can you say with 100 certainty that neither ByteDance nor Tik Tok employees can target other Americans with similar surveillance techniques?

Chair Roger, first of all I disagree with characterization that is spying. It was an internal investigation.

Yes or no, can you so surveillance of other Americans?

We will protect US user data and fire it all from all unwanted foreign access. It's a commitment that we've given to the committee.
So I guess my question is ...ah...I want you to, I want you to hear you say with 100 percent certainty that neither ByteDance nor Tik Tok employees can target other Americans with similar surveillance technique as you did with the journalists.
Again I don't agree with the characterization. The characterization is surveillance  and we have given our commitment Chair Roger. For that commitment, we will not be influenced by any government for any issue.
DOJ is investigating this surveillance right now.

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