Vinyl record sales surge making everything old new again 動画レッスン:デジタル最盛期にアナログレコードが復活 Adel had the best-selling vinyl album in 2021. Yes, vinyl, not streaming. Forbes magazine says vinyl sales are actually on the rise, increasing by more than 50 percent from 2020 to 2021, showing that records might be back. Here is Mike Castellucci. There is nothing like live music. Wait, Scratch that. There is nothing line music on vinyl. Girl 1: Feels very authentic. The crispness that comes from a plastic platter. Man: The whole thing of watching it spin, you putting the needle on … Vinyl records are back. Just ask someone who calls it “ new retro ” . Girl 2: It’s my dream to have a record player. Don’t skip over that. They don’t even own a record player. But records somehow capture their imagination anyway. Girl 2: I like the design. I’m hanging them in my dorm. If you are buying music that you touch and feel, vin...