
4月, 2023の投稿を表示しています


動画レッスンメニュー: 2024/4/11更新 Why Tokyo's Metro is Profitable and New York City's isn't 東京とNYの地下鉄 Inside the 24/7 operation to feed the world's largest cruise ship 豪華客船の裏側 Why are school buses yellow? スクールバスはなぜ黄色? This is how easy it is to hack EV chargers 狙われるEVチャージャー UN adopts first global Artificial Intelligence resolution UNが世界初となるAI規制を可決 Speech by Steve Jobs at Stanford University スティーブジョブズ スタンフォード大卒業祝辞スピーチ

Happy by Pharrell Williams 歌詞・文法解説付き

Happy by Pharrell Williams 歌詞・文法解説付き https://www.discogs.com/ja/master/745457-Pharrell-Williams-Happy-Live Do you use music streaming service?  Seems like records are on the rise but I'm sure that streaming is the most common means to listen to music nowadays. 音楽の配信サービス使っていますか?レコード人気が復活しているようですがそれでも主流は配信ですよね。 Yesterday, my platform recommended this song and and I was like "This is it!" as soon as it started playing. It's not like it had been my favorite song or anything but it was just what I felt like listening at that moment. Since then I've been  repeatedly  playing it. 昨日いつも使っている配信サービスがある曲をおすすめしてきたのですが、聞いた瞬間「これこれ!これこれ!」って思ったんです。特に好きだった曲というわけではないんですがちょうどその時の気分にマッチしていたようで。そこから数日間リピート再生中です。 Here we go. I'd say this is intermediate-level. ではでは。レベルは中級といったところでしょうか。 It might seem crazy what I am 'bout to say 今から言おうとしていることはちょっとクレイジーに聞こえるかもしれない I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space With the air, like I don't care, baby, by the way 日の光、彼女はここにいる、休憩...

Do you like to travel overseas? 海外旅行は好きですか?

Do you like to travel overseas? あなたは海外旅行しますか? "Do you like to travel overseas?" "Which countries have you been to?" "What kind of  scenery touched your heart?" "What were some unforgettable moments during your trips?" "Where would you like to go next?" 海外旅行好きですか?どこへ行ったことありますか?感動した光景は?旅行中に経験した忘れられない瞬間は?次に行きたいのは? These are the regular questions I often ask my students in the first lesson. Just because of my curiosity. Although it wasn't so easy to cross borders as it used to be before the pandemic, travel experience has always been one of the most exiting topic to discuss. And I am glad that people have started enjoying their journeys. よく初めてのレッスンでは生徒さんにこんな質問をさせてもらっています。ただ単に私が興味があるから。コロナ前のように簡単に海外へ渡航することができなくなっていたとは言え、旅行についての話はやっぱり楽しいと思うのです。今多くの人が旅行を再開することができるようになって嬉しい限りです! But come to think of it, I have never counted the exact number of countries that I've ever been to despite the fact that I love to travel. So here comes the lis...

動画レッスン:What is Passover in Judaism

Passover in Judaism 動画レッスン:ユダヤ教の春行事ペサハ:過越祭って何? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o_qrMadfIw   You are about to see what Passover looks like here in the Holyland. Passover is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the freedom of the Jews from slavery in Egypt. The festival goes back thousands of years. It’s ca sacred and widely celebrated holiday in Judaism. During this time Jews from all across the world come together with the family to have Passover celebrations. These celebrations include a retelling of Exodus story and a special dinner. All to remember freedom from oppression which the Jewish people experienced for over 400 years in Egypt. But today there are some interesting things that happen across Israel to prepare for the holiday.   During Passover there are some ingredients that are forbidden to eat. Anything with yeast in it is forbidden like most bread. So that’s why grocery stores across Israel block off food in stores like this to keep what they call “K...

動画レッスン:US lawmakers grill TikTok CEO

US lawmakers grill Tik Tok CEO 動画レッスン:Tik Tok CEO 対 米国議会 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h49pWGKI3k Mr. Chu, you are here because the American people need the truth about the threat Tik Tok poses our national and personal security. Tik Tok collects nearly every data point imaginable from people's location to what they type and copy, who they talk to, biometric data and more. Even if you've never been on Tik Tok, your trackers are embedded in sites across the web. Tik Tok surveils us all and Chinese communist party is able to use this as a tool to manipulate America as a whole. We do not trust Tik Tok will ever embrace American values; Values for freedom, human rights and innovation. Tik Tok has repeatedly chosen the path for more control, more surveillance and more manipulation.  Your platform should be banned.  Can you say that with 100 percent certainty that ByteDance and the CCP cannot use your company or its divisions to heed content to promote pro-CCP messages for an act...

動画レッスン:Vinyl record sales surge making everything old new again

Vinyl record sales surge making everything old new again 動画レッスン:デジタル最盛期にアナログレコードが復活 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU670a5I0Xw Adel had the best-selling vinyl album in 2021. Yes, vinyl, not streaming. Forbes magazine says vinyl sales are actually on the rise, increasing by more than 50 percent from 2020 to 2021, showing that records might be back. Here is Mike Castellucci. There is nothing like live music. Wait, Scratch that. There is nothing line music on vinyl. Girl 1: Feels very authentic. The crispness that comes from a plastic platter. Man: The whole thing of watching it spin, you putting the needle on … Vinyl records are back. Just ask someone who calls it “ new retro ” . Girl 2: It’s my dream to have a record player.   Don’t skip over that. They don’t even own a record player. But records somehow capture their imagination anyway.   Girl 2: I like the design. I’m hanging them in my dorm.   If you are buying music that you touch and feel, vin...